The Vrindavana Institute for Higher Education (VIHE) exists to help devotees fulfill the purpose for which Srila Prabhupada wanted them to visit Vrindavana: to study his books in the association of senior devotees. Srila Prabhupada once wrote that his dream was for students to stay in Vrindavana, be trained nicely, and be sent to spread Krishna consciousness all over the world.
VIHE gives senior devotees a chance to share their expertise and gives younger devotees the opportunity to learn from them. It also gives senior devotees a forum in which to develop their teaching skills and scriptural knowledge.
VIHE started in the month of Kartika (October-November) in 1987. Twenty-four students attended the first one-month semester. Since then, more than 2500 students have taken part in over 200 courses. The Institute now offers a one-month course during Kartika. Each semester combines detailed courses on Srila Prabhupada's books with courses on such topics as teaching, cooking, music, and counselling.
The VIHE also offers the Bhakti Sastri course. This course prepares students for the Bhakti Sastri degree through instruction in Sri Isopanisad, Bhagavad-gita As It Is, The Nectar of Instruction, and The Nectar of Devotion. Candidates must favour renunciation, possess brahminical tendencies, and be strict in their spiritual practices.
Since July 2002, the VIHE is also offering the Bhakti Vaibhava course, which will cover the first six cantos of the Srimad-Bhagavatam. This is an 18 month course taught over three years.